
Bethel Redding in the SF Chronicle and Unplanned

If you’re a Christian and you don’t know about Bethel Redding . . . it’s time. They’re not only known around the world for worship, they are known throughout their city for real charity. I can’t believe the San Francisco Chronicle printed this article.

Joe Matthews: Redding church practices what it preaches – it helps address community needs

FYI: If your local theater is showing Unplanned, you’ll discover Bethel Music throughout the soundtrack.


10 jobs that aren’t worth their pricey education (FOXBusiness article)

So I’m never sure about the veracity of studies such as this, but it was reported by Fox News if that’s worth anything.  This article shares 10 jobs in which the education is overpriced and the salaries are underpaid.

10 jobs that aren’t worth their pricey educational requirements 

As it turns out, I’m not only qualified for three of these roles, I’ve already served in them.  This was not exactly welcomed news.

1. Human Services Worker

5. Associate Pastor

10. Religious Educator

As my wife and I seek discernment at this point in our careers and family life, may the Lord guide us straight forward and clear of pitfalls, and may He grant us His wisdom.

reference: Jade Scipioni, “10 jobs that aren’t worth their pricey educational requirements,” FOXBusiness online, January 23, 2019, accessed January 24, 2019,

JCIngle Ventures: The Blog, YouTube, and Facebook

Just over a month ago, we shared the new blog on Patheos

This is a unique opportunity to minister as an Evangelical Columnist.  On their page, you can sign up for the weekly review.

The first post each week is usually a video.  The other is a writing (a longread circa 1,500 words).  Over the years in pastoral, evangelistic, and teaching settings, Jared uses a series format, and continues to do so with his column.

As we discuss our Facebook page below, we’ll share some highlights from the posts.  With enough of a readership base and page views, the Patheos blog could become profitable, perhaps even leading to books, e-books, future publications, etc.

Jared looks forward to returning to a study he’s been enjoying over the last couple years, in which he’s been utilizing the corpus of his seminary studies (kind of like a Thesis).  Sign up for email highlights from his blog.

There are a lot of good blogs to read.  However, the most popular blog sites are not always the best blog sites.  If you’re like us, you’re curious about someone’s backstory.  Before exploring their writings and/or sermons, you explore their background.  If so, then here is a possible solution.

Early on in his time at Patheos, Rev. Jared committed to writing four personal narratives on topics like faith development, ministry, basic integration with other fields of study, and doctrine.  They were completed this last month and are now available in order on his About page.  Perhaps this would be a good place for you to start.

JCIngle Ventures: The Blog, YouTube, and Facebook

Version 2JVI, camino poca al sol | 07.29.18

Here are some highlights of our winding, narrow road chasing the sun (Son), since our previous post on Ingle5Rev. Jared V. Ingle at Patheos.

Ingle5 channel on YouTube

Some build up their YouTube channel by riding the wave of a few of their popular videos.  Others share over time, consistently producing a body of work that builds momentum.

Our numbers aren’t phenomenal, but since the last post the top performing videos have been . . .

Surprisingly in 2nd place, a video we haven’t really shared, other than with some of our Michigan leaders and ministers: Cover: “This is Living (Feat. Lecrae)”

In 1st place: Mystery and Wonder, pt. 1: Sensing our need for the supernatural

By far (and for reasons unknown to us) the overall, top viewed video this year has been: We All Have Callings

Subscribe if you like.  We’re not really attempting to ride the wave of a viral video, or two.  We’re not quite comfortable with that type of marketing, and some people aren’t quite comfortable with YouTube in general.  If you’re that type of person or family, then we’ve made our YouTube for you.  Since it’s the 2nd largest search engine worldwide, then perhaps this is a form of evangelism in the marketplace.

We’re producing one video a week at Ingle5 YouTube, getting into a consistent rhythm for sharing the Gospel through Patheos.  We know an internet entrepreneur who took the consistency route.  He’s now paying his family’s mortgage and car payments off of YouTube alone . . . mind-boggling.  At this time, all YouTube revenue primarily hinges on Subscribers.

We have a JCIngle Facebook page now

Our last post Rev. Jared V. Ingle at Patheos has a reach of 1,010 on our JCIngle Facebook (FB) page so far.  That’s not bad for our small band of faithful friends and family that like our page, currently about 215.

Our Facebook official page is JCIngle.  It’s a little page off the beaten path, far from the endless news ticker of FB . . . perfect . . .  really perfect.

We also celebrated our 23rd anniversary, with a reach of 931 for just a couple pictures.  Again, I’m not a great tech, but I think that’s a pretty good ratio for JCIngle, kind of fun to celebrate with you all!

JCI Anniversary Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 3.39.46 PMLink to JCIngle FB post | 06.26.18

We posted about a Renovare meeting with Nate and Richard Foster on July 15th.  We’ve been interested in Renovare for years and have been looking forward to this meeting for months.

We had an opportunity to speak with Nate afterwards, expressing our interest in Renovare.  He said he’s always been jealous of couples who can go through the institute together, taking time to share a life changing experience.

Another notable mention on JCIngle has been part 2 of 3 on ethics in our region.  Ethics & the GT Region, pt. 2: on Agriculture, Commercialization & Discretionary Income has a FB reach of 1,073 right now.

We’ve tried a couple of new audio/video (a/v) ideas.  First, the Mystery & Wonder series was actually formed from one sermon, into a 4 part series.  All four posts are visible on FB or Patheos (beginning 06.27.18).

The second a/v idea is actually a couple of preaching/teaching videos on the Reformation 500th Anniversary.  We have preaching videos in the archives, so we shared one.  With permission from Messenger College we shared the second video.

1 Rev. Jared V. Ingle: Reformation 500th Anniversary: Ideals of the Magisterial Reformers

2 Professor Vernell Ingle: Reformation 500th Anniversary: Prof. Vernell Ingle shares Martin Luther’s narrative (a/v)

From time to time, we post one of Crystal’s VIPKID teaching highlight videos on JCIngle.  For a brief overview, click on this link, and/or have a chat with Crystal herself.  The simplest route is to click on our Connect page, scroll down, and fill out the Drop Us a Line contact form.

VIPKIDS Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 3.38.22 PM
Direct link to Crystal’s highlight video | 07.31.18

BONUS: We’re also experimenting a little with podcasting

You can find us on our JCIngle iTunes podcast

We’re also podcasting on JCIngle Soundcloud

Since last month, the Mystery & Wonder series is doing well on Soundcloud.  The most popular podcast so far is FAQs About the Calling.  These podcasts are only available for a limited time, but Soundcloud is driving a surprising amount of traffic to the Patheos column.

Also, you may want to listen to Dad (Professor Vernell Ingle) busting out a rap, in this Soundcloud ditty, with some Messenger students.

Ptr. Peter: Points of Opportunity in a Post-Christian Culture

I recently enjoyed breakfast and coffee with Pastor Peter Moon from Harbor Light Christian Center in Traverse City.  He has been pastoring in the Grand Traverse Bay Area since he pioneered the work in 1999.

He is very active in society, often involved with church and civil leaders, near and far.  His commitment to engage society, despite the fact that we now live in a Post-Christian culture, shines through in almost every conversation.

In this discussion, he shares a specific testimony, a story that reminds us to make the most of every point of opportunity.  He inadvertently winds up on the wrong side of the street in a protest, but takes the moment to engage others in dialogue, pointing them toward righteousness.  His story speaks for itself . . .

Video: Ptr. Peter: On Points of Opportunity
in a Post-Christian Culture

Pastor Peter’s call to action is clear for Christians.  Make the most of every opportunity!  For ministers, he calls us to preach righteousness in the pulpit!


In another venue with Christian political leaders, Pastor Peter and I recently heard a similar plea.  The politicians said that pastors are always asking them to make righteous decisions.  At the same time, Christian politicians are gathering for prayer, asking God to raise up preachers who aren’t afraid to preach righteous living in our day and age.  We need to engage, in any arena that God has led us into.

I hope this brief dialogue with Pastor Peter encourages you to share the Gospel in new ways, even if you find yourself on the wrong side of the street.

Former A/V Deck Page

This was the first attempt at an A/V Deck page, eventually to be combined with the Connect page to make everything a little more uniform (04.26.18).


Take a moment to connect with one of our audio/video projects. Our podcasts are free to download, and are available for a limited time. We are just starting this portion of the site, so check-in for future content.

Ingle5 YouTube

JCI & Co. iTunes Podcast

JCI & Co. SoundCloud